Customer service 03 311 64145

Referring a patient

Suojavaatteisiin pukeutuneet sairaanhoitaja ja kardiologi valmistautuvat sydänpotilaan sepelvaltimoiden varjoainekuvaukseen Sydänsairaala Novan toimenpidesalissa.

How to refer a patient to Heart Hospital

Heart Hospital provides spesialised services and treatments for heart disease patients nationwide. In Heart Hospital it is possible to get treatment regardless of the patient’s place of residence with a referral from a health centre hospital, occupational health or private doctor, according to the patient’s freedom of choice.

Instructions for referring a patient

A patient needs a letter of referral to access the non-urgent specialised care. The referral must contain information on the patient to determine the need for care and urgency. The referral must display the following information:

  • Why the patient is being referred to specialised care?
  • What examinations and treatments the patient has received before being sent to Heart Hospital
  • Freely worded confirmation that the patient is exercising their right to free choice of treatment centre (patient’s freedom of choice)
  • Results of examinations and laboratory tests performed (as an attachment)

There will always be feedback on the referral. You can ask for more information about referral.

Tays Heart Hospital


Electronic referral:
Institute code: 60776
Branch: SDKARY
Speciality: 10K

Postal address: Tays Heart Hospital
PL 2000, 33521 Tampere

Heart and thoracic surgery

Electronic referral:
Institute code: 60776
Branch: SDKIPO
Speciality: 20R

Postal address: Tays Heart Hospital
PL 2000, 33521 Tampere

Nova Heart Hospital (Jyväskylä)

Electronic referral:
Institute code: 40302
Branch: SDNAV
Speciality: 10K

Postal address: Nova Heart Hospital
Hoitajantie 3, 40620 Jyväskylä

Tavastehus Heart Hospital

Electronic referral
Institute code: 3103
Speciality: 10K

Postal address: Hämeenlinna Heart Hospital
Ahvenistontie 20, 13530 Hämeenlinna

Compliance with national criteria for access to care

When preparing the referral, please ensure that the national access criteria are met. It is unfortunate for the patient if their treatment is delayed due to insufficient data or their surgery is canceled because of the inadequate surgery criteria.