Customer service 03 311 64145

Contact details

Sydänsairaalan Novan sydänosastolla hoitaja, lääkäri ja potilas

Jyväskylä Heart Hospital contact details

You can contact us by calling the following numbers:

  • Outpatient clinic tel. 014 269 5425 (service hours Mon–Thu 9–13 and Fri 9–12)
  • Heart Department tel. 014 269 1010 (nurses’ office), tel. 014 269 1110 (ward secretary)
  • Heart monitoring tel. 014 269 1410
  • Cardiac Procedure Unit tel. 014 269 3611
  • Department of Cardiac Procedures tel. 014 269 3614
  • The call center of the Central Finland Hospital District serves on 014 269 1811

Postal address:

Central Finland Hospital Nova
Heart Hospital Nova
Hoitajantie 3
40620 Jyväskylä


We operate in the premises of Central Finland Hospital Nova, the new central hospital.

Directions to Nova Hospital (link)

Private practice appointments

Appointments by phone tel. 041 731 3712 (service hours Monday to Friday 10–14). It is not possible to send text messages to the mobile phone number.