Customer service 03 311 64145

Jyväskylä private clinic payments and fees

Fees vary according to the appointment duration and procedures.

The following price lists show the average price of consultations and medical procedures. Doctor’s reports and certificates are invoiced in line with the issuing doctor’s charges.

The service fee is 25,00 € (incl. Heart Hospital admin fee and a Kanta fee) and it is charged in addition to clinic and examination charges.

Kela provides reimbursement for part of the fees charged. The deductible price is the price of the service after Kela reimbursement.

If you are unable to arrive your appointment, please cancel 24 hours before your appointment is scheduled.  We reserve the right to invoice for appointments not cancelled at all.

Heart Hospital specialists in Nova private clinic

Private clinic prices from January 1st 2025

Clinic appointmentsPrice without Kela reimbursement €Service charge €The deductible price (incl. service charge) €
Telephone consultation with a specialist, duration approximately 5 minutes

(Note: Phone time is only intended for patients who are already patients in Heart Hospital)

Clinic appointment with a cardiologist, including echocardiogram
Duration approximately 30 minutes
Clinic appointment with a cardiologist
Duration approximately 30 minutes
Clinic appointment with a cardiologist, including pacemaker therapies195,0025,00220,00
Remote consultation with a specialist (by video or telephone), duration 30 min122,0097,00
Sexual therapy, duration 45 min85,0025,00110,00
Sexual therapy, duration 75 min (for couples)130,0025,00155,00